Dr. CharlesElachi
Director of JPL and professor at Caltech
Dr. Charles Elachi is the Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Professor at the California Institute of Technology, or ‘Caltech’, as it is known by viewers of the Big Bang. Dr. Elachi started his academic career in France where he received his BSc from the University of Grenoble and his Diplome Ingineur (engineering) from the Polytechnic Institute in Grenoble. He then moved to Pasadena to obtain his Master’s and PhD degrees in Electrical science from Caltech. He continued his education to obtain an MBA from USC, and a second Master’s degree in geology from UCLA. He is the author of over 230 publications and textbooks in the fields of active microwave remote sensing. In addition to his leadership of JPL he was, and still is, the Principal Investigator on a number of space experiments.